renwakai : a spiritual gateway between asia and the west
Since its birth in Japan in the first half of the 20th century, Aïkido developed its notoriety on all continents which help and facilitate its evolution.
Martial art in perpetual movement, akin of judo, it is characterized by its mobility, its fluidity, its non-opposition as well as developing the unity of the body and the spirit.
Several currents and schools marked and still mark the progression of this practice as physical than spiritual, not to say choreographic.
The Renwakai Group is of those, trying since its creation in 1997 to achieve a subtle synthesis between the precepts of Japanese traditional teaching and the specific needs of the contemporary western approach. Sometimes thinking outside of the box of the classic pedagogy, the Renwakai method show interest in the individual, his feeling, his natural posture for better integrating them in the dynamics of teaching.
"Aikido is a mode of permanent learning of the life" , keep on repeating his founder, Alain Tendron, for who harmony, personal quest and concept of sharing form the triad of this noble discipline.
Trained since 1977 in the art of Aikido from various Masters including Yamaguchi Sensei, Christian Tissier and Franck Noel..., Alain Tendron, 6th dan Aikikai since 2013, is a member of the France Aikido Federation Technical Board (FFAAA).
He became professional in 1995, and creates the Renwakai Group when an uncanny enthusiasm for Aikido develops in France. Inspired by the classical sources as much as modern of the practice, the movement thrived little by little within numerous clubs in France and spreads abroad. Today, there exist Renwakai Groups in Italy, in Russia and projects are ongoing in other countries.